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40 x Schools Project


The Ministry of Education has awarded OCL 40 schools to upgrade the data and power networks in the Auckland and Waikato regions. This was after OCL had completed upgrading over 60 schools on a tender per school basis prior to been awarded a bulk quantity of schools. The Ministry of Education realised the quality of cabling and power reticulation in schools throughout New Zealand was at a very poor standard.  This meant IT, interactive and printer devices deployed in schools would not work or were very unreliable. The Ministry required OCL to offer a “Turn Key” solution.

Each upgrade includes the following scope of works:

  • Installation of a minium quantity of Data Outlets in each class room and administration areas to MOE specifications throughout the school
  • Construction of new server rooms and cabinets within the schools
  • Installation of power outlets to MOE standards throughout the school
  • Install new ducting and manholes between buildings
  • Install and terminate all fibre optic cabling in the external ducting linking the buildings

Each installation is inspected and signed-off by an independent consultant ensure MOE standards are met and exceed.

Auckland Boys Grammar School: Prior to be awarded the 40 schools as mentioned above, OCL was selected to complete the installation of Data, Power, ducts and Fibre Optic Cabling at Auckland Boys Grammar. AGS School has a role of over 3000 boys.  The campus has a combination of new and old buildings including a number of buildings that have an historic building classification. It was important to the school the majority of the project was completed over the Christmas school holidays.  This meant we had to resource our personal to complete over 6,000 man-hours of work within the allotted time frame.

Auckland Girls Grammar: Like Auckland Boys and Mt Albert Grammar, Auckland Girls Grammar had numerous Historic Buildings on the campus.  OCL were awarded the contract to install CAT6 data cable, Upgrade the power and install the WAN Network throughout the site.  This also includes the installation of data cabinets and HUB Rooms.The outcome for the school is they now have a fast reliable network throughout the whole campus.  In addition to this, if there is a requirement to install additional cabling within the buildings or between buildings, this is now easily done by the duct and man-hole infrastructure.

Auckland University –Science Block, Bldg 303: OCL succeeded in securing the contract with Fletcher Construction to complete the refurbishment and new building complex for the Science Block at Auckland University.This project was completed over a three year time frame and required OCL to ensure other parts of Auckland University’s data and voice network continued to run.  This was due to a large quantity of cable run through this construction site. OCL install a total of 3,500 CAT6 data outlets on this site.  OCL provided a 25 year maintenance warranty on the product and workmanship.

Mt Albert Grammar School: Mt Albert Grammar is the second largest school in New Zealand.  Like Auckland Boys Grammar, Mt Albert Grammar has numerous buildings that are classified as Historic Buildings.  Historic Buildings require special expertise to ensure the integrity and aesthetics of the building is not compromised. Due to the size of the project, not only did OCL require having additional resource through the school holidays, OCL also had staff working through the nights to ensure the school could continue with their curriculum during the day. The upgrade of power, the installation of CAT 6 data outlets.

Auckland University – School of Medicine: OCL were successful winning the data cabling project for Auckland University School of Medicine. This project was for duration of 4 years where we worked closely with the construction company – Fletcher Construction.  The project involved the gutting the original buildings (3 x 7 story buildings) and refurbishment of these buildings along with the construction of two new buildings onsite. In total, OCL installed 5,500 CAT6 data outlets, over 26 x HUB Rooms and included tie copper and fibre cables and including a disaster recovery options for the total campus.

Improve Efficiency
Improve Customer Satisfaction
Total Cost Savings

Fisher and Paykel Healthcare

CAT6A Data Outlets

Westfield New Zealand

CCTV Systems

Westfield Newmarket

Data Cabling Services